Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sisters- Myah's Natural Hair Journey

I am the oldest of four girls. My sisters and I are all natural, but like our personalities and physical appearances we are all very different including our hair textures. My sister closest in age to me is Myah (13). She has recently done the big chop (BC) and is now rocking a fade.

While my hair is thick and course, Myah’s is the opposite. She probably has the softest and finest hair out of all of us. Her hair does not respond well to relaxers, heat, or stress. As a result, her hair kept on breaking and my mom cut her hair even more to even out.

Crawfish anyone?

Myah's hair grew worse as patches of missing hair started appearing in her scalp. My mother decided to take the leap and let Myah cut the few remaining relaxed ends off. My little sister began her natural hair journey.

My little sister is the biggest goof ball!

Myah's challenge now is to find natural hair products and techniques that will work for her. I gave her my bottles of Kinky Curling Custard (KCC) and the KCC leave-in. Since these products didn't work in my hair I figured Myah should give them a try. So far these products seemed to be working for Myah.

I hope to keep you updated on her Natural Hair Journey! 

1 comment:

  1. Mya looks wonderful! I had the same exact problem when I was younger, even had the bc , but I didn't understand it then! Inspirational is what you are. -Sasha :)
